Sunday, March 29, 2009


Track season has been going pretty well. We are 4 meets in (Frank Haskin's Invite ~ Steeple 11:14, NWC Preview ~ 1500 5:57/800 2:28, L&C Invite steeple 11:07, Linfield Icebreaker ~ 10k 36:20) The link below is a video of the bell lap of the icebreaker 10k. A 1:30 PR and a :50 school record... hopefully also a nationals qualifying time. (fingers crossed!!) Please enjoy the shot of my assistant coaches month old baby girl Phoebe Joy at the end of the clip. Greg's wife Stephanie was kind enough to take some filmage of the races and the link is from her collection. I have also included a photo taken during the Frank Haskin's duel meet with George Fox during the 3k steeple. The water was cold.

School has also been going well. I am anxious to get my midterm grades back this week and see how they turned out. We will be registering for next fall in 2 weeks already! Signing up for my senior year classes! That is crazy! I need to take one more biology class to complete my minor and then I believe the rest will all be business classes towards my major from here on out. It will be nice to be completely through with all of more core liberal arts credit requirements. The other thing that has got me a little bit concerned for next year it housing. It sounds like my friend who is currently doing a study abroud in Mexico may also be in a solo situation so we might be getting a little apartment off campus or something, which sounds awfully nice and peacefull after sharing this big ol' house with 9 people all year. I am really hoping that will come through!

I have also been lucky enough to have a couple of interviews for summer internship possibilities. During spring break I got to meet with Taylor Cropper of BioSkin Inc (the 9th biggest employer in Ashland). It was a really fun experience. While I was in I had the chance to watch a couple of the employees work on a proto-type backbrace. The three of them really feed off of eachother and showed a lot of creativity and ingenuinity in trying to piece together the project before they were to fly it out for a early showing later that day. While speaking with Taylor he mentioned to me a blog by Seth Godin, a "marketing guru", ( I had been speaking with Jen about different marketing ideas for their business and thought that his blog might be an interesting place to read about. He had mentioned that from reading the blog earlier recently Seth discusses your "presense" on the internet. Something interesting to consider... what kind of reputation do you have following you based on advertisements or interactions or publications that are associated with your name? Even for example what to people associated about a Phoenix High grad? or what about a runner?

Well, it's back to school/work/intern/training for me. Spring break was restful. It was great to see my family and I had a nice couple days in Newport with Chris. But, I am feeling ready to get back to work... which is a nice feeling to have. Looking FORWARD to training and learning instead of dying for a rest. Let's hope this feeling lasts til summer... or at the very least a couple of weeks. :)

Enjoy your day!

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