Yeah, so not all that significant you might think, but, as long as I can remember I have never been part of the winning team in a track or cross country meet. It is really satisfying to see so much success around me. The reason we won yesterday was because of what we did together as a group of individuals. Running and life is funny like that, a game of individuals interacting in alliances, partnerships, and rivalries, in opposition and in cooperation. Ultimately you are alone our there to run the race by yourself. No one can carry you through or hold your hand or whisper in your ear the right thing to do and the right time to make a move. In life we have to make a million decisions a day on our own. And although 99% of these decisions seem insignificant over time you see how the little things pile up and build up into stocks of confidence, knowledge, and experience or barriers of regrets, fears, or hindsight. As a team, in a sport or a business or in a relationship, you always must keep the balance and take care of yourself and your own self interest but there is something to be said about connections between people. As amazing as it is to be out there on your own, mano-a-mano with the world doing battle, there is this whole other layer to the feeling of accomplishment when are able to make all the factors and personalities and facets come together. All of a sudden people you have never liked and will never understand are alright by you because regardless of your disagreements and past emotions you are now swept beyond that by sharing risk, trust, and belief. Recognizing the worth of this joint effort and the common investment of work, sacrafice, and faith that we all individually struggle with is a uniting feeling that we can related to, this link is something that simply can not be obtained individually. I am not trying to lessen the accomplishments of one or the honor of chasing a dream on one's own will. I am just recognizing this entirely different layer that isn't so much about acalades, times, places, but more about appreciating the moment and how good it feels when we can do something together and you can share something even if it is just the accumulation of individual efforts.
Well that was long and winded. But the meet went well, the fall weather was perfect. I got a personal best for the 6k distance. With 2 of our top girls Jasmine Klauder and Michelle Hartaloo having HUGE improvments in their PRs too! Frances is coming around as well.
School has been ok, got Bs on both my tests. So that is fine. Still over the class average by around 5% on both tests so it's fine. Been studying all weekend for a history mid-term tomorrow morning.
My dad visited this weekend and we went and got thia country for dinner and bought some cookies at serendipity's to take back to the hotel to watch game 6 of the red sox and tampa bay baseball game. Now it will be 4 weeks until he comes back up for regionals which are heald in Salem this year.
The deadline for the Oregon Wine Press November Issue was last wednesdays. I was able to get 8 placements for the B&B spread, my goal was 6... so Holly and I were happy about that. I will probably be backto sourcing wine festivles next week. Some of them sounds pretty fun and since I am old now, maybe i will try a couple myself.
Well I hope you are all well and enjoying the wonderful colors of the season.
Miss you. Love you.
Congratulations Marci!! ...and team=)
Beautifuly put. Congrats.
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