Sunday, January 11, 2009

This has been my first week back on campus after the holiday break. I have been working for my coach helping him do marketing and various projects for his business AQx sports. ( He has developed under water shoes for increased efficiency while doing aquatic excercise. I have learned a lot about his products and also it has been interesting to compare the structure of his marketing aprroach to that of the Oregon Wine Press. Basically I have total freedom to work on what I want and do what I think will be the most useful. I basically spent this whole first week coming up with some lists of contacts and now I will use this next week to start making the contacts and generating some sales and interest. It should be a learning experience fore sure since I don't have a whole lot of guidance. It's nice to have so much responsibility and ownership in a project though. :)

Running has been going pretty well. I did a 30 minute tempo run on land on Tuesday after running both Monday and Sunday before that and re-injuried myself again. Just got a little too greedy and thought I was feeling better than I actually was. So I did the workout in the pool on Thursday with the AQx shoes and was able to do an 80 minute workout yesterday with relatively little issues. I will deffinately be cross training today and tomorrow in hopes of feeling 100% for the workout on Tuesday... We get to do some work on the track then so it will be fun to finally get to that.

On Saturday we have our time trial. We are doing a 3000 meter time trail, or about 7 laps. I haven't ran a 3k since high school, in which I had my highest finish at state (4th) so it will be really interesting to see how my time will compare to when i ran it then. The steeple chase is also a 3k but that is a little different with 4 barriers to take on a lap.

The time trail is at noon and then I am heading home to work for my dad Sunday and Monday and probably driving back on Tuesday. I have to get this passed by Garry L, but it will be fun to see some of the fam and the friends in between cleaning the house next weekend.

I also got tickets for the Blazers vs. Cleavland game on the 21st!! So I am really excited to go with a couple of friends (Tyler Davis and his lady friend will be going with me!) and see as much of Lebron James as can be seen from $10.00 300-level tickets. (We are against the back wall again. ha!)

Well, that is all the excitement I have had here as of late... not so much. It's been kinda nice to just work and train and not have homework though.

Hope all is well.

1 comment:

~S said...

I just want to tell you how much I enjoy reading your posts. Your right, life is full of choices, or sacrifices (depending on how you look at it) It is the end results that we all strive for. It is a shame that you don't really know if you made the right choice till you get to the end. You just trust that something greater is supplying you with the intuition to make the right choice.

Glad your first week back to school is going well. Christmas Ever dinner was great with everyone there. Grandma and the kids are really enjoying the photo frame your dad got her. It was a great gift. Talk to you soon.